Available Tools
Listed below are the tools made available through the PLEX client.
Tool | Category | Description | Example Command |
Equibind | Small Molecule Binding | Docking of small molecules to a protein | ./plex create -t tools/equibind.json -i testdata/binding/abl --autoRun=true |
Diffdock | Small Molecule Binding | Docking of small molecules to a protein | ./plex create -t tools/diffdock.json -i testdata/binding/abl --autoRun=true |
RF Diffusion | Protein Design | Design protein binders; generally useful for conditional generation of protein backbones | ./plex create -t tools/rfdiffusion.json -i testdata/design --autoRun=true |
Colabfold | Protein Folding | Protein folding prediction | ./plex create -t tools/colabfold-mini.json -i testdata/folding --autoRun=true |
ODDT | Small Molecule Binding | Scoring of protein-ligand complexes | ./plex create -t tools/oddt.json -i testdata/scoring/abl --autoRun=true |
bam2fastq | Sort BAM by qname and Extract Fasta reads R1 R2 with RG using samtools |
If there are any additional tools you would like made available in the PLEX client, please see how to contribute a tool.